CPD & Events - London Osteopathic Society

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CPD & Events
The London Osteopathic Society offers a range of events covering diverse topics,
which should help to fulfil the CPD requirements
Face-to-face or Zoom lectures
✅Time to socialise and discuss topics with colleagues
Top speakers address relevant issues at our major lectures
Light refreshments are provided for participants following registration
✅The Members Area enables to view and download copies of presentations that have been made
✅Time spent reviewing presentations may also count towards the CPD hours

Regular CPD events
FULL PRICE for non-members, starting from £30 (become a member)
50% DISCOUNT for Osteopath Members, starting from £15 (find out more)
FREE for Student Members (£25 annual membership required)

Special CPD events
(Longer events and/or those featuring special speakers)
✅Discounted rates available for members (become a member)

Upcoming Events
6 March 2024
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